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Our algorithms trade cryptocurrencies on your behalf, providing reduced volatility and decreased risk, ensuring long-term success for all investors.

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We only take an 8% commission of the profits we make for you, and you can terminate your investment anytime you want.

*Source: MarketWatch
**Source: CoinMarketCap



Longship Invest’s 2022 performance resulted in a negative return of -25%.

An investment in the S&P 500 would have yielded a return of -18%*, while Bitcoin experienced a return of -64%**.



In 2021, Longship Invest achieved a positive return of +37%.

An investment in the S&P 500 would have yielded a return of +29%*, while Bitcoin experienced a return of +41%**.



In 2020, Longship Invest delivered a positive return of +35%.

An investment in the S&P 500 would have yielded a return of +18%*, while Bitcoin experienced a return of +348%**.

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Return since January 2021

See what an investment with Longship Invest in January 2021, when our latest algorithm was launched, has yielded.

Compared with a similar investment in the S&P 500 or Bitcoin, the numbers speak for themselves.

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Let's help you safely on board

Contact your personal advisor, Anders, at

Personal guidance to the right Crypto investment for you

Anders Moll

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*The calculation should be viewed as an example of how an investment can develop over time. You can set your expected average annual return after expenses and taxes. Financial instruments can both rise and fall in value, and there is a risk that you may not get back the invested capital.

Performance compared to the market

See how an investment through Longship Invest would have performed relative to an similar investment in Bitcoin and Ethereum since January 2021, when our latest algorithm was launched.

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Longship Invest - Investments in Cryptocurrencies


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Any questions?

Cryptocurrency is still relatively new, so it’s entirely natural to have many questions.

If you’d like to know more about how Longship Invest handles cryptocurrency investments and what it means for you as an investor, don’t hesitate to reach out. Fill out the form here, and we’ll be in touch.

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